Terms of Conditions

Terms of Conditions and Privacy Policy both are applied on our visitors. Users who visit our website have to abide our Terms of Conditions

  • User is agree to our change of content and services. As we can change our content without any notice.
  • Content of this site shall not be published, broadcast or rewritten in any medium.
  • If you want to use our content  you have to take permission, as we have copyright on it.
  • User can visit our site anytime and if you want updates then you have to subscribe.
  • Since all content provided on this site is for informational purposes only. We do not take responsibility of accuracy, quality or completeness of any information on this site.

  • We make no claims that any of our site’s content is accessible or appropriate outside India.

  • Your personal information may be used by us or third party (advertisement company) on our site for marketing or specific purpose. As we may mail or contact you for user’s query and information.
  • Our site may have link to third party and their Privacy Policy and Terms of Conditions are different. For that our site is not responsible.
  • Pubic reviews or feedback can be given to us using leave comment section. Further reaction can be given after reading the post.
  • We will never misuse personal information of any user. But it will be used to improve our website and to provide a better view. Our sole aim is that you must gain if you visit our website.
  • Tools like Google analytics and Google webmaster are used to track how many views and time spend on our website statistical information provided by these will help us to know you better.
  • We try our best to safegaurd but we did not guarantee 100 percent security. As perfect security doesn’t exist on internet. Hence we does not ensure you security of any information you transmit, it will be at your own risk.
  • You agree not to use our site:
    1. To violate law or regulation.
    2. To transmit, or send any advertising or promotional material.
    3. Scrape or disaggregate data from our site for any commercial, marketing or data purpose.
    4. Otherwise attempt to interfere with working of the site.
    5. Post any personal or other sensitive information on our site.
  • We have the right to:
    1. Remove or refuse to post your comment.
    2. Terminate or suspend your access to our site for any reason or breaking of our Terms of Conditions.
  • Any update in Terms of Conditions will be updated here.

If you have queries then please visit our Contact Us page.




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