
5 Moves for Better Grip Strength

5 Moves for Better Grip Strength
5 Moves for Better Grip Strength


You must train to improve grip strength just as you do for power, agility, endurance, or other specific strengths. It is common to assume that grip strength is built when you lift weights. But this is not the case.

You must train for a long time for a strong grip with high demands on your hand and forearm muscles.

Why should you care about maintaining a firm grip? Strengthening your hands and forearms will improve your ability to lift weights and climb while you’re on the move. It allows you to pay more attention and be focused on your actual activity instead of worrying about whether you might fall off a bouldering hold or lose your pack while you climb uphill. You can gain stability in certain sports, such as climbing, rowing, and cycling, by learning to transfer tension and exertion from your hands to your shoulders.

Not only will it improve your performance but also for injury prevention and overall health. Research suggests that strong grips are linked to better cognitive function and heart health and can increase your risk of getting upper-extremity injuries. These exercises can help you improve your grip strength, which will lead to improved performance and better health.

Denzel Allen, grip trainer from San Francisco, says, “If you can’t hold it, then you can’t move.”Grip is essential to carry groceries, your suitcase, and take lids off containers. These are simple tasks that we often take for granted.

Grip strength is, therefore, a key building block for fitness. Scientists have shown that grip strength is linked to life expectancy. University of Michigan researchers discovered that those with lower grip strength are more likely to die young. Research shows that we are less strong than we used to be. A sample of 237 healthy people aged 20-34 was used.

1. Stop encouraging weakness.

You can use tools such as wrist straps or other grip aids at the gym to fix a weak grip. Instead of challenging your grip to improve, these tools encourage your body to rely more on others and can even make your forearms weaker. For a few weeks, forget about your pride and lift slightly more weight than you can hold on to without assistance. You can lift more weight by improving your grip strength and providing your body with more stimulation for growth.

2. You can squeeze the bar.

Chad says that the most powerful and simple tool is the one we forget. Actively pressing the bar with your fingers during a set will increase grip activation and thus improve grip strength. Keep the bar from sliding towards you during a set. To hold the bar in place, grip it tightly in your palm and wrap your thumb around it. Focus on pushing the bar as hard and as long as you can during a set. You’ll find your strength will increase if you engage your grip more during the exercise.

3. Practice your grip regularly.

You should and can train your grip every day. Include pulling and lifting into your daily routine. Repetitive stress will result in a rapid increase in grip strength, which will help you to develop your forearms. For a forearm finisher and a midsection workout, slide core exercises such as farmer’s walks will help you to use your grip.

4. Grab builders are a good idea.

For an additional stimulus, you can add towels and other tools such as Fat Gripz to your workout. Although adding weight to your bar is enough to improve your grip, these tools can be used to increase your strength demand. To increase the thickness of your handhold, wrap a towel around the handle or bar. To make the exercise more challenging, squeeze the towel around a bar or handle. However, you’ll likely need to carry less weight. Pull-ups can also be done by hanging from two towels.

5. Lift heavy.

Instead of training your grip by doing a lot of wrist curls, do a concentrated workout that trains your grip and the rest of your body. You can strengthen your whole arm by including pull-ups and heavy deadlifts. Rack deadlifts are a variation that emphasizes your top portion and places more weight on the bar, which creates a greater grip challenge. You can always challenge yourself with pull-ups or bodyweight rows by switching grips every few repetitions. You can challenge your forearms by adjusting and adapting to different positions by releasing the bar and grasping it again. You can also do exercises such as walking lunges with dumbbells, which are great for strengthening your grip.

Hope this article will help you a lot. If you are a sports person, all of the above techniques will work definitely for you. But if you are a arthritis patient, then do not follow these exercise routine. Instead take consultation from physical therapy or occupational therapy experts. They may help you to restore old grip strength by using a grip strength exerciser.


Akshay Sharma is a social media marketing enthusiast and has written many topics in the related field. He loves to write and read about latest technology trends. He works with Mind Digital Group.

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